10. 02. 2023
5 min read

Spark joy with gitamini

Ways to participate in Mental Health Day

On October 10th, we will be participating in World Mental Health Day. The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. At PFF, we encourage you to take the day to do things that bring you joy and spread that joy to others in your life!

Here’s a list of some activities you can do with gitamini in tow to spark joy in your life and those around you in the spirit of World Mental Health Day:

  • Head to a local farmers market and get ingredients to try a new recipe! Enjoy your home cooked meal with family, friends or by yourself for some quality alone time. gitamini can carry all of your purchases so you can walk to the market and spend some additional time outside.

  • Touch grass - seriously. Head out to a nearby park or picnic area and spend some time in nature. Whether you bring a book, some snacks, a yoga mat for some stretching and meditation, being outside can boost your mood and help you feel connected with the world around you. Again, gitamini can carry any gear you choose to bring with you so you’re able to be hands-free and stress-free.

  • Bake some goodies and hand them out to your neighbors and friends to spark some joy in their lives! gitamini can carry your treats so you’re able to walk around the neighborhood with ease!

Have any other ideas on how you’d spend World Mental Health day with gita? Let us know on our social media!


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